Our president, Donald Trump, is bringing back the American Dream. Let me explain.

The idea of the American Dream once inspired millions of people to make their way to the United States with the hopes of economic prosperity. An opportunity to pursue life, liberty, property, and happiness. What a wonderful concept, the idea that if you worked hard enough you could be anything you wanted. You could walk on the moon if you set your mind to it. With the rise of economic disparity in our country, you can easily make an argument that the American Dream is dead. Growing economic disparity (click that hyperlink to #StayWoke) clouds opportunity for middle and lower class citizens. College is more expensive than it has ever been, and young people are forced to strap themselves with student debt to get a degree. The trust of our American government and institutions is abysmal. The last time Congress had above a 40% approval rating was in February of 2005. That is right around the time the first Razor Flip Phone hit the market. Probably the greatest phone in history, but that argument is for another day. Back to the point, the America dream, to me, was a bit of a myth. I saw it as a marketing scheme and a political sentiment past its time. Not anymore, though. I’ve been reinspired! How? By who? Well, by none other than the 45th President of the United States of America.



Donald Trump, a man who was recently assaulted by Stephen Colbert, has done something I thought no person could. He has bought back the American Dream. As of today, I have blossomed from a cynical, wannabe intellectual, college liberal into hardworking American that believes anything is possible. Why?

Well, if Donald Trump can be president of the most powerful country in the world, what can I not do?

Maybe Trump is struggling to make America Great Again, but he has certainly, if nothing else, made America Dream Again. I, because of Donald Trump, now believe all of my wildest dreams can come true. I, because of Donald Trump, now believe all of your wildest dreams can come true. I, because of Donald Trump, believe WE can make OUR wildest dreams come true.

In any future debates, please feel free to take me out of context in the above paragraph.
